Hello, world

When we moved (back) to New Jersey, we always had the idea of launching a local sports news website similar to one we ran successfully in Alabama for eight years (that’s still running today) and we’re finally pulling the trigger.

Last month we started bringing you coverage of high school baseball in Salem County on our facebook page as a way of introducing ourselves to the community while getting a lay of the land and sense of what the market would bear.

It is our hope to bring you in depth Salem County-centric sports news, heavy on the high schools, but whatever grabs your local interest. We figure you can get the college and pro stuff anywhere on the internet, but who’s going to give you the local angle (I use that term because that’s the space I occupied when I worked in Philly media many, many moons ago)?

We were heavy in high school sports and golf during our time in Alabama and we hope to that approach here, but we also were on the scene for other major events that went on in town. We had a great relationship and cooperation from the high school administrators and coaches in all sports as well as the organizers of the county’s major sports events, and hope the enjoy the same here; like they say, teamwork makes the dream work.

It may be slow going at first as we’re still learning all the players and they get to know us, but I’m confident that in short order you’ll come to enjoy what we post here. If you haven’t seen the facebook posts we’ll post them here to give you a sense of what we’re planning to produce for you.

Spread the word to your high school coaches and administrators and event organizers on what we’re trying to do. Feel free to drop an email (al.muskewitz@gmail.com) with suggestions, feedback and heads-ups.

Thanks for listening. We hope you come back often.