Little League wash out

Pennsville’s District 3 LL tourney opener pushed back to Thursday

By Al Muskewitz
Riverview Sports News

MILLVILLE – Phil Todd is confident his Pennsville Little League all-stars are strong enough to get to the playoff round of the District 3 tournament. After Wednesday, it’s just going to take them a little longer to get there.

The local Little Leaguers were “super comfortable and ready to play” their tournament opener at Millville American Wednesday night, but their road to Williamsport was delayed at least a day when the game was postponed by the weather. In fact, all three District 3 games scheduled for Wednesday were postponed.

The teams will try again Thursday at the Millville American LL field, but Todd isn’t that convinced the weather will cooperate then, either. He already was at the field and most of the players had just started heading down Route 49 when officials called the game.

“We were super comfortable and ready to play, that’s for sure,” the Pennsville manager said. “We were expecting a tough fought game that could go either way. There are some talented kids over there and they’re very well-coached.”

The postponement has impacted the Pennsville pitching plan, but Todd said “I’ have a lot of kids who throw strikes.”

The manager had planned to go with right-handers Vincent Grether and Liam Luciano Wednesday night and come back with them in Game 3 against Elmer. He may go back to the same rotation if they play Thursday, or go with his right-hander Caleb Fontaine and if they get pushed to the weekend save Grether for Game 3.

“We have to kind of process what’s happening, if we’re going to play for sure or not tomorrow or the weekend, and then try to throw a game plan together,” Todd said. “We’re not only thinking about this game, we’re thinking about third game and then, ultimately, playoffs if we get there.”

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